Abdul Waheed
2 min readDec 18, 2020

Fixing Stuff Around Yourself!

I was sitting in my room doing my AMAL Online Course, when I came across the project, "Fixing stuff around yourself".
I at that moment took a view of my room. Everything was dispersed & out of order. Even tough I made a mind about 3-4 days ago to set up my room. Inspite of few reminders from my mother I couldn’t find time to do so. Finally Amal activity made me do so. Thngs that need to be fixed in my were
• Whole room was dusty

• Bed need to be made up

• Books were dispersed on the mat

• Table was full of irrelevant things

How I fixed them:
• I removed rhe dust from the rooms
• I made up the bed and relocate it to the opposite corner

• I cleaned the mat, remove and displaced the books from it.
• I Removed irrelevant things from the table

After I completed the task I was feeling so much relaxed and felt to achieve a milestone. I can now find anything I need in no time and can be focused on my work actively.
If it wasn’t AMAL activity I think for One week or more I wouldn’t be able to do it.I is because I was putting this task on tomorrow’s due to laziness.
This task enable me to take responsibility of fixing my surroundings. When I contributed to fix up my stuff it was taking responsibility which is actually a leadership trait.The sense of accomplishment I was feeling at that time can’t be put into words
Thank you AMAL!