Abdul Waheed
2 min readDec 13, 2020

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the servece of others." Kindness is a virtue that is more worthy than every wealth.In our daily life we came across many circumstances, our little contribution and kindness towards anyone can cause so much goodness that we can’t even imagine.

Here is my list of 5 act of kindness that I did today.

1. Today in the morning a widow come our came she need some help.She needed to fill gas in gas cylinder that she use to cook food as they have no gas connection.So I took her Gas Cylinder went to Gas shop and filled the cylinder for her.

2. My friend's home is being constructed near my home. Today he was out of city, so I arranged lunch for his labour.

3. I was on my way to market, I saw a teenager. He was taking some grass and plants for cattle in a cart but it fell down from him. I helped him picking up the stuff and arraning it well so that he could easily reach home.

4. I was on tandoor (bread baking place). Two persons who came after me have to take 3 and 4 breads respectively so I asked them to take first and myself took after them.

5. At evening I was out with friends , on return I took cupcakes and pastries for my siblings.They were so happy when I gave them.